Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d !
1. Father : Good night sweety, have a nice dream.
Najwa : …., dad.
Bimo : This is …
- a. Arm
- b. Shoulder
- c. Elbow
- d. Hand
3. Andi : What is five rabbits and three rabbits ?

Winda : … cats
- a. Eleven
- b. Ten
- c. Nine
- d. Eight
4. A-M-O-G-N, How do you spell it ?
- a. Potato
- b. Tomato
- c. Avocado
- d. Mango
We can see it in the zoo. What animal is it ?
- a. Zebra
- b. Camel
- c. Horse
- d. Tiger
6. Fina : …, Fada ?
Fada : No, it isn’t
Fina : What is your hobby ?
Fada : My hobby is singing
- a. Is your hobby dancing ?
- b. Do you like dancing ?
- c. Is my hobby dancing ?
- d. Do I like dancing ?
7. The class room is dirty. Teacher ask you to…the floor.
- a. Clean
- b. Clear
- c. Sweep
- d. Wash
8. The students play volley ball in the. …

- a. Class room
- b. School yard
- c. Library
- d. Canteen
9. Rudi wants to buy a sport shoes. He is going to the . …
- a. Drug store
- b. Shoe shop
- c. Book shop
- d. Stationery
10. Fathia : Where….you from, Fara ?
Fara : I am from Purwokerto
- a. Am
- b. Is
- c. Are
- d. Do
11. Foreigner : Excuse me, where is the hospital ?

Tantya : The hospital is….
- a. On the corner of rabbit street and bird street
- b. On the corner of rabbit street and cat street
- c. On the corner of cat street and bird street
- d. On the corner of cat street and fish street
12. The presidents assistant who leads a departement is. …
- a. Governor
- b. Regent
- c. President
- d. Minister
13. Can you read me the story book ? It means. …
- a. Dapatkah kamu membacakan saya buku cerita ?
- b. Dapatkah kamu memintakan saya buku cerita ?
- c. Dapatkah kamu meminjamkan saya buku cerita ?
- d. Dapatkah kamu membawakan saya buku cerita ?
14. Nabila is the clever student. She like reading so much. She always the first rank in her class. Every night she always study before she goes to sleep.
The wrong statement based on the story above is. …
- a. Nabila is the smart student
- b. Nabila always the first rank in her class
- c. Nabila doen’t like reading
- d. Before Nabila goes to sleep, she always study
15. Last week my father and I having lunch together at one of the many popular restaurants in my town. The food at the restaurantt is very delicious.
The correct statement based the text above is. …
- a. How amazing was the food
- b. How delicious was the food
- c. How axpensive the food was
- d. How cheap the food was
16. Indonesia has two season. Its rainy season and dry season. The correct opinion based the text above is. …
- a. The rainy season is on March to October
- b. The rainy season is on April to September
- c. The dry season is on October to March
- d. The dry season is on April to September
17. Marco always wash the car every afternoon, but this afternoon he forget to do his job. The correct sentence to offering help for Marco below is. …
- a. Has me help you to wash the car
- b. Make me help you to wash the car
- c. Have me help you to wash the car
- d. Let me help you to wash the car
- a. Rackets and a shutlecock
- b. Rackets and a ball
- c. A ball and a net
- d. A Ball and shutlecock
19. Lionel Messi like football very much. Last two year he became the best football player in the world.
The right interrogative sentence based on the statement is. …
- a. Does he like playing football ?
- b. Has he like playing football ?
- c. Did he like playing football ?
- d. Do he like playing football ?
20. Nanda forgets to help his father to make him a cup of coffee.
The right word to ask appologies is. …
- a. Don’t worry, dad,
- b. I am sorry dad.
- c. Thank you dad.
- d. Of course, dad.
21. Wafa : Would you lend me your dictionary please ?
Safa : …..
Wafa : Thank you.
- a. I am using it.
- b. I wouldn’t
- c. Of course
- d. I couldn’t
- a. 1
- b. 2
- c. 3
- d. 4
23. Farhan : Can you show me the way to the hospital, please ?
Nanda : I want to go to the hospital too …go to the hospital together.
The correct word to complete the dialogue is. …
- a. Come on
- b. Come here
- c. Let’s
- d. Will
24. Teacher : What’s three times three, Andri ?
Andri : It is. …
- a. Six
- b. Seven
- c. Eight
- d. Nine
25. Farhan : Would you close the door please ?
Abbas :….I am busy now.
- a. I couldn’t
- b. I wouldn’t
- c. I can’t
- d. I may not
- a. Mercury
- b. Venus
- c. Jupiter
- d. Saturn
27. Ikhsan is very tired. He feels very thirsty.
The correct order based on the statement is. …
- a. Would you take me a glass of water please !
- b. Would you take me a bowl of poridge please !
- c. Would you tke me a plate of fried rice please !
- d. Would you take me a piece of bread please !
- a. Cylindrical
- b. Circular
- c. Cubical
- d. Conical
29. The final examination will be held on May. We have a few months for prepare it.
The correct reason based on the statement is. …
- a. We have to praying and playing hard for the final examination
- b. We have to praying and studying hard for the final examination
- c. We have to playing and studying hard for the final examination
- d. We have to working and studying hard for the final examination
- a. 2-1-3-4
- b. 2-3-4-1
- c. 2-3-1-4
- d. 2-1-4-3
31. The correct sentences to offering a help is. …
- a. May I help you watering the plant, please !
- b. Has I help you to watering the plant, please !
- c. Have I help you to watering the plant, please !
- d. Do I help you to watering the plant, please !
32. Rabbits like to eats. …
- a. Spinach
- b. Durian
- c. Carrot
- d. Potato
33. Ikhlas : What do you like to play ?
Budi : I like….
Ikhlas : How many marbles do you have ?
Budi : I have fifteen marbles.
- a. Playing marbles
- b. Playing skipping rope
- c. Playing slide
- d. Playing doll
34. Ririn has not do her homework. She wants to ask appologies to her teacher.
She says. …
- a. Thank you, Sir.
- b. Dont’t worry, Sir.
- c. Of course, Sir.
- d. I am sorry, Sir.
- a. Don’t be angry, please !
- b. Don’t make a noisy, please !
- c. Don’t come late to school.
- d. Don’t be lazy.
36. Sarah : I hear you get ten for the mathematics test.
Sari : Yes, that’s right.
Sarah : ……
Sari : Thank you, Sarah.
The correct sentences to complete the dialogue is. ….
- a. I am sorry, to hear that, Sari.
- b. I am disapointed to hear that, Sari.
- c. Congratulation for you, Sari.
- d. I am sad to hear that, Sari.
Ardi : Today is. …
- a. March the sixteen.
- b. March the seventeen.
- c. March the nineteen.
- d. March the twenty.
38. Wawan has a new job. The suitable sentences to say for Wawan is. …
- a. Congratulation on your new bike !
- b. Congratulation on your new job !
- c. Congratulation on your new bag !
- d. Congratulation on your new shoes !
39. Siska is very happy because she gets a nice present on her birthday.
The suitable interrogative sentence below is. …
- a. What do you wants today, Siska !
- b. What do you likes today, Siska !
- c. What do you need today, Siska !
- d. What do you feel today, Siska !
40. Vira has some dolls in her bed room.
The suitable interrogative sentence below is. …
- a. How many dolls does Vira has ?
- b. How many balls does Vira has ?
- c. How much dolls does Vira has ?
- d. How much balls does Vira has ?
41. Mother : Would you take me some oranges to make a juice, please ?
Fafa : Yes, I would.
Father :…..
The correct sentences to complete the dialogue is. ….
- a. You are a good girl, Fafa !
- b. Thank you Fafa !
- c. You are a nice girl, Fafa !
- d. You are a diligent girl, Fafa !
42. Wawan wins the speech contest. The suitable sentence to say for Wawan is. …
- a. Sure
- b. Of course
- c. Thank you
- d. Congratulation
- a. 3-1-2
- b. 3-2-1
- c. 2-3-1
- d. 2-1-3
44. Fais : Where are you going, Hanif ?
Hanif : I want to go to Purwokerto, and you ?
Fais : I want to go to Banyumas.
Hanif :….
The correct sentences to complete the dialogue is. ….
- a. Let’s go to the police station together.
- b. Let’s go to the gas station together.
- c. Let’s go to the bus station together.
- d. Let’s go to the train station together.
- a. Don’t turn left.
- b. Don’t stop here.
- c. Don’t turn right.
- d. Don’t park here.
46. The earth is our planet. It has a satelite. It is moon. The moon revolves the earth in a month. We can see the stars and the moon only at night. Can you see the moon at night ?
- a. Yes, I would.
- b. Yes, I could.
- c. Yes, I can.
- d. Yes, I may.
47. Samson : Excuse me sir,….I leave the class for a while, p;ease ?
Teacher: Of Course.
The suitable word to complete the dialogue is. …
- a. May
- b. Can
- c. Would
- d. Could
48. Teacher : Clean the black board, please !
Pampam: ….
Teacher : Thank you.
The suitable word to complete the dialogue is. …
- a. Certainly
- b. I can’t.
- c. I couldn’t.
- d. I am bussy
Dewa : It is……
The suitable word to complete the dialogue is. …
- a. A quarter past six
- b. A quarter to six
- c. A quarter past seven
- d. A quarter to seven
Yaya :…..
a. Lusi’s hair longer than Widi;s hair.
b. Lusi’s hair is the shortest of all
c. Lusi’s hair is longer than Nola’s hair
d. Lusi’s hair as long as Nola’s hair
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